At the current time, cuts from across the borough have meant that the street lights in lots of areas are being turned off during the early hours of the morning. Labour believe that this is something that needs to be reversed as there is a clear corelation with the times that crimes are being committed and the lights being off. Given the recent increase in home break-ins and car thefts (as well as other night prowling crimes), we feel that now is the time for residents to put their name down to fight to be heard to change the night time lighting situation for the better.
The names submitted in the petition will be used to help put pressure on Warwickshire County Council to invoke change.
For too long, criminals have been inadvertently supported by 12 years of Conservative government cutbacks and the unquestioning adherence to this methodology and service slashing by 7 years of local Conservative control. Help us take the first step in taking back control.